Five Amazing Foods for Your Skin
Five Amazing Foods for Your Skin
When it comes to eating right for your skin, the list of great foods for your skin options is a mile long.
One of the best ways to change your diet, and therefore improve your skin, is to simply crowd out the bad foods with the good. Spend your time focusing on putting good food into your body and you won’t have as much room (or desire) left for the bad ones.
There are so many foods to choose from that picking just five was a challenge. Instead of giving you a list of what not to eat, here are our top five foods that will enhance the skin regime you already have in place, plus are great for your overall health:
Crowd out the bad foods with the good
1. Salmon
Fatty fish, such as salmon, are high in essential fatty acids (like Omega-3 and Omega-6), an important part of creating the cell membrane, which influences how the cell holds water. That is, they help your skin stay supple and plump.
2. Walnuts
These nuts are also high in essential fatty acids, including the important omega-3s that help fight inflammation, according to this study from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health which compared NSAIDs to essential fatty acids (in the form of fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory aid.
3. Quinoa
If you have never heard of the ancient grain quinoa (pronounced keen-wa), now is the perfect time to introduce this whole grain into your diet. The mineral selenium found in quinoa, also an anti-inflammatory, has many health qualities, but, most important for your skin, has antioxidant properties found to slow the aging of skin. Bonus: quinoa is GMO and gluten free!
4. Squash
Of course you’ve heard you should be eating a rainbow of vegetable – the more colorful the better. Squash is one of the more delightfully colored vegetables that has an array of uses. They’re packed with the vitamins and antioxidants your skin needs to protect itself from damage and to promote cell turn over. Give your complexion a lovely glow with beta carotene – within a week look for a radiant warmer golden healthy glow – works like a charm!
5. Water
Although not technically a food, water is an indisputably important factor to healthy skin. Not only does water plump skin cells, it helps your body flush out toxins. Ever noticed your complexion is dull and sallow when you eat a lot of unhealthy foods? Flush out the “junk” with water.
These five foods are just one step in the right direction toward a healthier lifestyle and are great foods for your skin. Remember, eating right, whether is be for your general health or for your skin, doesn’t have to be tackled in one day, or even in one week. Your skin will thank you for it!
How to Know Which Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Is Right for You
How to Know Which Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Is Right for You
The single biggest thing you can do to keep your skin looking young is to keep the sun off it 365 days a year.
That means you need to love your sunscreen so you will want to wear it from sun up to sun down. It needs to be state-of-the-art broad spectrum sunscreen protection that you can trust too.
Start today! Combine sunscreen with seeking shade, wearing a hat, and covering as much of your skin with clothing as you comfortably can. Do this and we promise that in 10 years, you will thank us for motivating you today.
So, how do you pick a broad spectrum sunscreen that’s worth your commitment to sun protecting your skin?
My bias is that only mineral sunscreen products give entirely trustworthy protection. I always want to see 5% or more zinc oxide listed as an active ingredient in a product. 5% zinc oxide gives you good broad spectrum UVB and UVA protection. Sunscreen technology has become so advanced that zinc products now rub in well and are invisible or nearly invisible on your skin.
What I love about how zinc oxide sunscreen works to protect your skin from the sun is:
- The particles of zinc sit ON the skin and bounce the rays off in a “none-shall-pass” form of protection. Non-mineral sunscreens don’t work like this. They absorb into your skin and stop UV rays with a chemical reaction inside your skin that generates heat. This reaction also breaks down the sunscreen. I find that mechanism of action and the breaking down of sunscreen is undesirable.
- Zinc sunscreens are more stable in the bottle or tube than chemical sunscreens. Chemical products are often very fragile and start to break down the minute they are made. Zinc products last longer. Still, you need to look at the expiration date on your sunscreen and start fresh every season with new sunscreen, just in case.
I’m a zinc oxide sunscreen fan and I want you to be too. I’ve seen too many patients over the years get sunburned using chemical sunscreens. I don’t see them getting burned using zinc products. Your sunscreen needs to serve you well.
“Zinc oxide sunscreens are the best!“
“I just got back from a long vacation and cruise in the sun. I used a zinc oxide SPF 30 sunscreen every day and look how well it worked! Other people were using SPF 50s and burning. Because mine had zinc it worked and my skin didn’t burn like theirs.”
Brenda W., Sebastopol, CA
How do you pick a really good mineral zinc oxide product?
5% is my minimum level for adequate zinc concentration in a product, but the more the better. I’ve seen 17% products that are so cleverly made that they clearly rub on skin, but often the higher the concentration leaves a little pale color on the skin from the high amount of zinc oxide. That’s why many zinc oxide products also include other UVB absorbing ingredients.
The presence of the zinc oxide at 5% gives excellent UVA protection and usually gives about an SPF 15. I like an SPF of between 30 and 40, so adding an additional UVB absorber will achieve the higher SPF and still create a product that is entirely invisible on your skin. You have to love your sunscreen so that you will wear it every day from sun up to sun down and in my experience, people will do that if the product is invisible.
Are you curious about the really high number SPF values and whether you need an SPF 50 or infinity and beyond?
What do you need to know about applying broad spectrum sunscreen so that your skin is protected?
You need to cover all exposed skin with sunscreen. That includes your face, your ears, your neck, your chest, the back of your hands, your arms, etc. The formula for how much to apply is that the average size adult human wearing the average size bathing suite (I love that part) needs to apply 1 oz (a shot glass!) per application applied every 2 hours of uninterrupted sun exposure. Sunscreen tubes are often 4 oz, so this formula requires a tube of product for a full day at the beach. It’s a lot of work. You scale that down based on the amount of skin exposed (uncovered). Also, if you are mostly inside or in/out, wearing a hat, in the shade, etc., you are getting more life out of your sunscreen. It’s impossible to know for sure, but your skin will tell you in retrospect if your sunscreen application is generous enough; because if it’s not, you will tan. A tan means you need to rethink your strategy.
Because it’s so much work to rely entirely on sunscreen for sun protecting your skin, I recommend using clothing and hats too.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
With the change of seasons, you may be experiencing worsening dryness, flakiness and redness on your face and/or scalp. This may not just be dry skin, but seborrheic dermatitis, a very common skin condition that affects 1 to 5% of the general population.
Changes in season or weather, but also emotional and psychological stress are usual circumstances when seborrheic dermatitis rears its head. Common areas affected are the scalp (mild forms are seen as dandruff) as well as behind or inside the ears, along the eyebrows, by the nose, cheek, chin and chest area.
A clue that you may have seborrheic dermatitis is that despite how much moisturizer you use, areas on your face still look flaky and red.
A useful tip may already be sitting in your shower:
- Apply an anti-dandruff shampoo such as Head and Shoulders, Selsun Blue, or Nizoral, not just on your scalp but on your face, especially along the brow, corners of the nose, chin and even chest.
- Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off.
This can help reduce flares and calm the redness and flakiness.
If that doesn’t clear it, a dermatologist can prescribe either an anti-inflammatory cream or even an anti-fungal cream. Seborrheic dermatitis may be aggravated by an overgrowth of yeast called Malassezia so a topical antifungal cream can sometimes help.
And don’t worry- it’s not contagious. But remember, unfortunately, this is not a condition that can be cured. It can recur.
The good news is that with the proper tools, you can calm it down and manage it successfully.
If you have any concerns about dryness, flakiness and redness on your face and/or scalp, contact us to make an appt! 301.662.6755
Wart Talk
Warts are among the most common, persistent, and frustrating conditions that we see on a daily basis in our dermatology office. Described throughout recorded human history, they affect both children and adults alike. Without treatment (sometimes even with treatment) they can persist for months, even years.
Warts, or verrucae, are a viral infection of the skin, caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 known HPV types, and the virus can infect almost any area of the skin. Probably the most common areas are the feet (known as ‘plantar warts”) and hands, but in our office we certainly see them on many other areas such as elbows and knees, the face, or the genital area (where they are known as ‘condyloma’).
Infection occurs when the skin comes into contact with the virus, whether from a surface (like a health club shower floor) or from another person; the virus infects the skin cells, which then form a visible skin lesion. From an original site on the skin, the virus can spread locally to adjacent areas, or be transferred to distant sites, such as when someone scratches or picks at a wart and then touches another part of the skin. Since the virus must live inside the cells on the surface of the skin, they cannot travel internally to the rest of the body.
Persistent Facial Redness Could Mean Rosacea, Not Acne
Do you suffer from facial redness that won’t go away and is sometimes accompanied by breakouts? It could be Rosacea, a common skin disease that can affect the face, ears, chest and back.
Left untreated, Rosacea can become severe, often affecting sufferers’ quality of life. Rosacea starts with mild flushing or blushing of the face, and can progress for many years without a patient realizing he/she is suffering from the disease. Often confused with other conditions, Rosacea is a skin condition that needs to be monitored and treated before it becomes severe.
What are some of the symptoms of Rosacea?
- Flushing and redness around the nose and cheeks, sometimes with acne-like pustules
- Visible spider veins in the face
- Extreme sensitivity to the sun and skin care products
- Dry, rough, scaling skin
- Skin that stings and has a burning sensation
Other symptoms can include:
- Very oily skin
- Acne-like breakouts
- Raised, rough patches of skin
- Bumpy, thickening skin
- Redness and enlargement of the nose
Call the Rosacea Specialists in Frederick, Maryland
If you are noticing any of these symptoms in yourself of a family member, please seek the advice of a dermatologist as soon as possible. There are effective treatments, including topical lotions, medications and lasers available, and you can adopt lifestyle changes that will help lessen your symptoms. Frederick Dermatology is home to some of the best dermatologists in Frederick and we would love to discuss treatment options and be a part of your treatment plan. You can contact us by email or call 301-662-6755 today to schedule an appointment.
Want to learn more about Rosacea? Visit the National Rosacea Society website.
Dry, Scaly, Rough Patches or Spots on your Skin Could be Actinic Keratosis
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a rough, dry, scaly patch or growth that forms on the skin. An AK forms when the skin is badly damaged by ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or indoor tanning. Most people get more than one AK.
Symptoms of Actinic Keratosis
AKs are very common and one of the most frequent conditions we diagnose. Most become red, but some will be tan, pink, and/or flesh-toned. If left untreated, up to ten percent of AKs develop into squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer.
Actinic Keratosis Treatment in Frederick, Maryland
If you have patches or spots on your skin that look “different,” it’s always best to come in to Frederick Dermatology for a check-up. During your consultation, a practitioner will examine your skin, evaluate your concerns and recommend a treatment plan. Our expertise in dermatology will help us determine if treatment such as topical medication or cryotherapy (freezing) is most appropriate for you. Call Frederick Dermatology Associates for a medical appointment at 301-662-6755.
For more information about actinic keratosis visit the American Academy of Dermatology website.
OTC vs. Cosmeceuticals
People often wonder and ask us:
“What’s the difference between an over-the-counter (OTC) skin care product and a professional or cosmeceutical skin care product?”
As we’ve come to learn over time… OTC beauty products are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and can only penetrate the first layer of your skin…aka the “dead layer”. Professional products (cosmeceuticals) are not controlled by the FDA and penetrate the bottom layers of the epidermis… aka “live tissue”!
Now you may be wondering how this is possible… Let me explain.
The FDA recognizes two categories: pharmaceutical and OTC cosmetics, which are defined as…
Pharmaceutical or drug:
“Articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease” and “articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals” [FD&C Act, sec. 201(g)(1)].
Topical pharmaceuticals penetrate through the layers of the epidermis and affect the structure and function of the skin (think of prescription topical steroids or Retin-A).
OTC Cosmetic:
“Articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body…for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or function.” [FD&C Act, sec. 201(i)].
Since many consumers “self-diagnose” when choosing a skin care product from a department/drug store, these products must be made safely. Meaning, big cosmetic companies cannot afford to have a huge number of consumers with issues from using very active products — so, that skin care product may feel good and smell good, but, most likely won’t have a lot of activity in its formulation.
Also, since cosmetic companies really don’t have to prove efficacy, the special active ingredient listed in the formula only has to appear somewhere on the ingredient list – ingredients are listed in content order, from most to least, so if you see that ”active” on the last half of the list (usually alphabetically) you can bet you are getting a tiny percentage (enough to be effective in the formulation?) of that specific ingredient.
Lastly, OTC cosmetics are also manufactured and distributed in very large batches, and are packed with almost as many preservatives as “active” ingredients! Many over-the-counter cosmetics simply do not penetrate the skin barrier, where the ingredient formula would have a therapeutic benefit to the skin.
Oh, and by the way… Sephora, Macy’s, Nordstrom, & Saks products (to name a few)… Are all OTC!
The term “cosmeceutical” was created in 1990s from cosm(etic) + (pharma)ceutic. It’s a cosmetic product claimed to have medicinal or drug-like benefits. Cosmeceutical products are marketed as cosmetics, but reputedly contain biologically active ingredients. While drugs are subject to a review and approval process by FDA, cosmetics are not. In other words, the formula does not technically have to prove efficacy or safety, but it does contain an ingredient that may have activity in the skin.
FYI… it’s not just about one really fabulous ingredient — it’s the mixture of the right amounts of active ingredients working together that works best in the skin, similar to how oral multivitamins work internally in our bodies with a mixture of vitamins and minerals for best absorption.
So, since nurses & estheticians do not prescribe pharmaceutical products, offering a well formulated and tested cosmeceutical line, like SkinMedica, is the next best option to pharmaceuticals. Cosmeceuticals that are professionally recommended by a licensed skin care professional generally have a higher amount of active ingredients with proven and safe formulations, and offer delivery systems that reach targeted cells in the skin. To put it simply… It really works and you will see results!
Request an Appointment with an Esthetician in Frederick, MD
Have more questions? Call Frederick Dermatology at 301-662-6755 to schedule an appointment with one of our high-skilled and experienced Estheticians. They can help you determine the perfect skin care product for you!
The Magnificent Cucumber
The Magnificent Cucumber
Cucumbers do so much more than just decrease puffy eyes…..they have so many vitamins and antioxidants you need every day. Just one cucumber contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, and enzymes.
Here are a few benefits of each vitamin contained in cucumbes:
- Vit A: Smooths, firms skin
- Vit C: Brightens, antioxidant, skin lightening
- Vit K: Reduces dark circles
- Vit D: Firms the skin
- Vit B1: Responsible for converting sugar into energy
- Vit B2: Useful in preventing conditions such as acne, dermatitis, arthritis, and eczema. Helps clear the skin, Helps repair damaged tissues and allows wounds to heal more quickly.
- Vit B3: Decrease in heart disease and helps lower the level of bad cholesterol.
- Vit B5: Patients having undergone surgery may be prescribed vitamin B5 supplements to ensure speedy healing and can prevent acne and hair loss
- Vit B6: Help the process of metabolism, tissue repair, cell production.
- Folic Acid: Fetal development, Production of red blood cells, Helps in depression, Helps keep brain young
- Calcium: Prevents osteoporosis; Keeps you slim and trim; may combat cancer; heart-healthy
- Iron: Hemoglobin formation, oxygen carrier, muscle function, brain function.
- Magnesium: Transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
- Phosphorus: healthy bone formation, improved digestion, regulates excretion, protein formation, hormonal balance, improved energy extraction, cellular repair
- Potassium: Good for the heart, Water level regulator, Pain management, strengthens the bones and the muscles, while promoting faster healing of injuries like cuts and bruises, Mental ability booster.
- Zinc: Regulates immune function, treats diarrhea, helps improve learning and memory, treats the common cold, heals wounds.
- Enzymes: Anti-inflammatory
- Cool temp: Decreases swelling
- Cucumbers are also made of 95% water, which makes them a super hydrator. Add cucumbers to water to make a super power drink. With all the nutrients and benefits listed, you could be reaping benefits like great skin and a heathy body just by adding a few slices to your water.
- Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache
- Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
- Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemical in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
- Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
- Just finished a business lunch and realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the photochemical will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
Now that’s an incredible vegetable!
3 Strategies for Healthy, Beautiful Skin
Here are a few tips that benefit almost everyone: retinols, sunscreen, and resurfacing.
Retinol (and prescription strength retinoids) offers a twist on vitamin A. Most of our patients use it every day. When it is applied directly to the skin, cell growth is optimized. Ultimately, retinol can improve skin tone and texture, reduce fine lines, and boost the skin’s overall appearance.
Sunscreen blocks ultraviolet light and it should be a part of your daily skin regimen. A portion of my day is dedicated to skin cancer surgery and reconstruction. As much as I enjoy performing these complex procedures, I’d like, for my patients’ sake, to be performing fewer of them. And if patients are more diligent about applying sunscreen, I will be.
Sunscreen does not only protect against skin cancer, it also has an added aesthetic benefit. Use it and you’ll notice few finer lines and wrinkles. Look for sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or higher and a label that includes the term “broad-spectrum.” We like Elta MD and LaRoche Posay which we carry here.
Last but not least: skin resurfacing. Resurfacing helps to both build collagen in the dermis and to exfoliate the epidermis. At Frederick Dermatology Associates Center for Aesthetic Medicine , we are fortunate to have the luxury of all the latest technological innovations. Our fractional resurfacing lasers, of which we have several, can be adjusted to accommodate your availability for downtime. Many of our patients pop in periodically for low-downtime laser options that serve to refresh and rejuvenate the skin, lending it an overall healthy and beautiful appearance.
Ulthera - Now Available in Frederick!
Welcome Ultherapy to Frederick Dermatology Associates Center for Aesthetic Medicine!
Well, to give you a brief summary of our new treatment, “Ultherapy or Ulthera will tone loose or wrinkled skin by using the body’s own healing response. Ulthera will tighten the neck and jowls or lift a sagging brow, for example, which in turn reduces the excess eyelid skin, giving the eyes a more refreshed appearance. It requires no special preparation and results typically appear after one treatment. The ultimate lifting will take two to three months, as rejuvenated, stronger collagen replaces the existing tired collagen in your skin.”
To get a little bit more detailed, We’ve included a few frequently asked questions about Ultherapy:
What is Ultherapy?
Ultherapy is a non-surgical face treatment that uses ultrasound to actually lift and tone loose or sagging skin without any downtime by using the body’s own healing response.
What is so different about this procedure?
Ultherapy is the only non-invasive treatment that can specifically target the deep foundation below the skin that is addressed in cosmetic surgery without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. It is also the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective.
How does Ulthera work?
Ultherapy deposits focused ultrasound energy below the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s creation of new collagen. As a result, skin will actually begin to lift and tone over time.
What does collagen do?
Collagen is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firmed, toned and elastic. As we age, collagen loses its elasticity and its ability to stand up to the effects of gravity that pull the skin downward. Ultherapy jump starts a repair process that produces fresh, new collagen.
Is Ultherapy surgery?
No. Unlike a face lift, Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that addresses the skin and support layers below it, but doesn’t entail cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.
Can Ultherapy replace a face lift?
Ultherapy is an “uplift” not a “face lift.” While it is not a replacement for surgery, it is a viable option for those not ready for a face lift or those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.
How is Ultherapy different from lasers?
Lasers typically address issues in the superficial layers of the skin (e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, pigment changes). Ultherapy addresses the deep skin layer and the foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery that lift and lend support to the skin. Therefore, the two technologies are quite complementary!
Is Ultherapy safe?
The procedure has been cleared by the FDA after demonstrating safety in clinical studies, and tens of thousands of treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.
Who is a good candidate for Ultherapy?
A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that has “relaxed” to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered eyebrow line or sagging skin on the eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of “maturing” skin. Typically, those in their thirties and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates.While Ultherapy is not a replacement for a surgical face lift, there are many people who want some lifting but are not ready for surgery, either mentally, financially or logistically. There are also younger people who want to “stay ahead of the game” as well as those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.
How long does the ultrasound treatment take?
A full face treatment takes 45-60 minutes, and a partial face or brow lift treatment can take around 30 minutes–neither with any downtime. This is why it’s been nick-named “The lunch-time face-lift”.
What problem areas does Ultherapy target? What kind of results do you get?
Ultherapy addresses mild to moderate loose or sagging skin. Specifically, by reconditioning and renewing the skin from within, Ultherapy will lift the brow, which in turn reduces excess skin on the lids, opens up the eyes, and gives a more refreshed look overall.
How long until I see results?
Patients may enjoy some initial effect but the ultimate lifting and toning will take place over 2-3 months, as tired collagen is replaced with new, more elastic collagen. As this collagen-building process continues, further improvements can appear up to 6 months following a procedure.
How long do results last?
Patients treated with Ultherapy still have fresh young collagen after a year’s time following the procedure, but skin continues to age. Future touch-up treatments can help keep pace with the aging process, which varies by individual.
Will I need more than one treatment?
The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment (depending on how much laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen-building process).
Is there any downtime?
Ultherapy is an entirely non-invasive procedure and as such, there is no downtime. You are able to return to your normal activities right away, and there are no special measures you need to take.
Will I feel the ultrasound during the treatment?
Yes. What you are feeling during the treatment is actually tiny amounts of focused ultrasound energy being deposited below the surface of the skin.
What does it feel like?
Comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, but there can be some discomfort while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. This is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.
One of our practitioners will consult with you prior to your skin treatment to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Patients typically leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come!
Are there any side effects?
There may be slight redness for up to an hour or so following the treatment, and a small percentage of patients may have slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature.
So… does it really work?
Yes! We’ve seen the magnificent results!
Make an Ultherapy Appointment in Frederick, MD
Interesting in learning more about Ultherapy At Frederick Dermatology Associates Center for Aesthetic Medicine or ready to make an appointment? Contact us or call 301-662-6755 today to request an Ulthera appointment
To find out more about Ulthera, you can read about it in these featured magazines or click on the link below to see exclusive videos: Ulthera in the Media!
"Ultherapy gives the biggest bang with one treatment." - Dr. Michael Gold, Elle
"Ultherapy is hottest option Available." - Wall Street Journal